Published on 07/03/2018 9:54 am
An Introduction to Baby Weighing Scale

It is very important to have a baby weighing scale at home once you have a baby at home. Most parents care so much about their babies; they try to get everything required for better growth of the baby. The baby gaining weight consistently is the key sign that indicates the fact that the baby is getting suitable nourishment.

Having a baby scale at home is very important as it enables you to weigh your baby at your leisure and this, in turn, help the parents to calculate the calories the baby requires. Baby weighing scales is also referred as infant weighing scale all over the world. Baby weighing scales are available in different types, different styles and comes in a different price range. Purchasing a weighing scale could be an expensive thing for many people, for such people here many other options available like baby scales for hire, some pediatricians allow parents to drop in periodically and weigh the baby, few of the pharmacies offer the same service.

I have mentioned all these things above, as it is very important that you should know the fact that baby weighing scales are specially designed and calibrated for weighing the baby’s. If you try using a standard adult scale for weighing the baby, the results could have a large difference. If you have no access to any of the above-mentioned options, then you can use a standard adult scale. However, the procedure for measuring is very different from what we do in normal circumstances.

If you are using a standard adult weighing scale, first calibrate the weighing scale to zero. Now, weight yourselves and note down the weight. Once you have noted down your weight, pick up the baby and with the baby in hand weight again, note down the weight. Now, you will have to subtract your weight from the 2nd weight (you+baby) you obtained. The answer you obtain will be an estimate weight of your baby.


Checking your baby’s weight periodically is one of the most important things you should do. Refer the above-mentioned options, weigh your baby, and feed the baby with nutritious food accordingly.

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